Report: Which Social Media Ad Types Work Best?

This report from Psychster and compares user engagement across seven interactive and social media ad types. One of the main findings is that “Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo to their own profiles than when they could not.” Hmm…sounds a lot like when a user can become a fan of a brand on Facebook right?

The report further states “Corporate profiles were among the most likely ads to trigger purchase intent – but only if people can become a fan and placed a logo on their own profile.” This drives home the importance of growing your fans (soon to be called “connections”) on a Facebook page in order to cultivate brand loyalty and sales.  Using the Facebook inline “Become a fan” feature is a great way to do this with Facebook advertising.

Take a look at the report and let us know what you think!

Report: Which Social media Ad Types Work Best?

Post written by Helen Todd aka @helenstravels. To learn more from, become a fan!

Written By:

Helen Todd

Helen Todd is the co-founder and CEO of Sociality Squared, a full service social media agency based in New York City since 2010 who understands the magic of people coming together around what they value and love. Helen is an award-winning marketer, international speaker, and also an advisor and speaker for SXSW Interactive. Helen holds a Master's degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from Emerson College.