Facebook: New Targeted Posts in Testing

Do you ever wish you could target your business page’s wall posts on Facebook to be more relevant to your fans? Now you can. Facebook started testing their new post targeting near the end of the summer. Only a small percentage of Pages had access to the new tool until September. Currently, a few select Pages with over 5,000 “Likes” are now able to utilize the expanded targeting abilities that are in testing.


Here’s the rundown, according to Facebook: “Add gender, age, language and location targeting so the most relevant people see your posts in their news feeds. Your posts will still be visible to anyone who visits your Page, even if they are outside your target audience.”

The Targeted Posts tool allows brands to tailor messages to varying target audiences. The targeted posts will be more relevant to users, hopefully resulting in fewer “Unliked” pages. The new tool also has the potential to boost the “Talking About This” metric by giving Pages the power to make multiple posts targeted to different groups within their audience, and therefore not bombarding the news feed.

As with most changes that happen on Facebook, there is an adjustment period. We’ve noticed some Page owners posting messages to their fans to help them work with Promoted Posts even if they have under the required 5000 “Likes”.  You may have seen a few posts similar to this in your news feed in the past few weeks:

Promoted Posts are going to up the ante in content marketing. The tool will drive revenue for Facebook and it will be even more of a challenge to expand reach without using advertising tools on Facebook. Targeted Posts make Facebook advertising more simple for brands and small businesses because they don’t require a relationship with a Facebook rep. It will also be extremely important to be mindful of the mobile trend, and how that trend requires content to be visible in the news feed.

Promoted Posts will be a useful tool in targeting content tailored to specific fans so that your audience is seeing content relevant to them, and will therefore be less likely to “Unlike” your page from being inundated with irrelevant and unwanted content. In the long run, it looks to be a great tool for building stronger connections with your audience through content they are actually interested in.

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Post written by Tia Marie Kemp aka @TiaMarieKemp. To learn more from Sociality Squared, become a fan!


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